Invited Members of the Greek Federation ‘EO FILPA “as present by their representatives in the AGM of 2013, which will take place at the offices of ANF, street Cybele 6 Gerakas, Saturday, June 29, 2013, at 11:00.
2. Election Supervisory Committee3 . Approval of Minutes Ordinary General Meeting 30 June 20124. Annual Report period July 2012- June 2013
5. Financial Review period July 2012 – June 2013
Budget period July 2013 – June 2014
6. Report Auditing Committee
7. Discharge Board
8. Budget Approval period July 2013 – June 2014
9. Election of Chairman of the Board
10. Election of Board Members (6 Regularly and 6 Alternates )
11. Election of Audit Committee (2 Regular and 2 Alternates )
12. Election Disciplinary Committee (3 Regular and 2 Alternates )
13. Election Technical Committee (3 members)
If there is no quorum , the General Assembly will be repeated , in accordance with the Statute (Art. 10-12 ) on Saturday 06/07/2013 at the same time and the same place. If again no quorum will resume at 13/07/2013 , Saturday , at the same time always in the same place ( Cybele 6 Gerakas ) .
The President The General Secretary
Note :
1. Each This representative may vote on behalf of a single representative absent with authorization (Article 20.24 )
Two . Under Article 6.2 the annual subscription paid everything before the GA
Three . Under Article 8.4 the representatives of the Association shall be notified two days before each General Assembly .
OFFICE EO ANF : Cybele 6 Gerakas 15344
Tel/Fax 210 6529 084