H FIVA welcomes Patrick Rollet, its new President & 2014-2016 About the GA
Split, Croatia, 16-11-2013. The General Assembly of the International Federation of Old Car-FIVA held in Split (Croatia) on 16 November, 2013, elected Mr. Frenchman Patrick Rollet as its new President for the years 2014 to 2016. We will continue the work begun by his predecessor, Mr. Horst Brüning for the creation of a professional organization. Below is the press release on the 2013 General Assembly.
Delegates from 54 countries met from 14 to 16 November in Split Croatia to participate in the meetings of the Committees and the General Assembly of the International Federation of Old Car – Fédération Internationale des Véhicules Anciens (FIVA). The FIVA is intended to preserve the right of the member organizations (and by extension all of their members ) worldwide for the use of ‘ yesterday’s tomorrow’s vehicles on roads ‘ .
The main agenda of the General Assembly included the election of a new President. Of the four candidates Frenchman Patrick Rollet, was elected as the new President of FIVA for the next three years . He succeeds the Swede Horst Brüning who will remembered as the president who globalized the FIVA by attracting countries such as USA, Canada, China , the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait . Serbia is the youngest member who entered the bosom of FIVA. Therefore , most countries make up 64 members of this global organization representing more than 1,500,000 people who are owners of historic vehicles .
The FIVA founded in 1966 has realized that a quality modern and professional structure in the future . Members of FIVA approved the proposal presented by Bernhard Kaluzza a completely new structure of FIVA which will be implemented by the next General Assembly in November 2014 .
From a political viewpoint, the FIVA has strengthened its legislative influence and take steps to ensure the use of ‘ yesterday’s tomorrow’s vehicles on streets ‘ and has eg done successfully lobby the European Parliament to include improvements to the wording of the new EU Directive for vehicle testing .
The Legislation Committee whose Chairman is the Dutchman Tiddo Bresters, prepare a new pan-European Socio – Economic Research to be launched in March 2014 . The latest relevant research FIVA was undertaken in 2006 and therefore needs updating .
The FIVA wishes to promote the Federation as a cultural institution and therefore seeking recognition from UNESCO as a World -NGO (INGO-International Non-Governmental Organization). This issue is the epomno step after the formation of the “Map of Turin ‘(Charter of Turin) presented this year in Stuttgart, Germany. A working group led by Swiss Thomas Kohler promotes this goal.
The General Assembly thanked the Englishman Tony Davies who for six years successfully led the Trade and Skills (Trade and Skills), an experience filled with challenges . Perform surveys and pragmatopoise lobbying other members of FIVA to take actions to save and preserve the skills for restoring historic vehicles and diasfalisi all matters relating to the ” Movement of historic vehicles .” He is succeeded by Dutchman Jos Theuns, who was a member of this committee and will continue to build on the foundations set by Tony.
The American Mark Gessler, Vice President of FIVA- Technical Issues, presented the initial ideas for the formation of the new Technical Code of FIVA, with a view to implementation in 2015 . The creation of the digital library and the work of digitization of all cards issued FIVA world continues.
The Events Committee chaired Cypriot George Ioannidis , studying future events. Due to the difficult economic situation facing most countries , fewer events included in the calendar of FIVA.
The Carlos Scosceria, managerial South America (Director South America), referred to the excellent cooperation between the countries in this region . It has implemented a pilot model by placing ‘ ambassadors ‘ covering specific areas, while in the near future , the FIVA will adopt this model , placing ambassadors for Asia and the Middle East.
But not just car issues discussed in Croatia . The Italian Palmino Poli reported in Proceedings of the first International Motorcycle Week (First international Motorcycle Week) in June 2013 and for the success of the World Rally Motorcycle (FIVA World Rally for Motorcycles).
The 2014 will be a special year for Commercial & Military Vehicles (Utilitarian & Military vehicles). The Italian Renato Pujatti, managerial Commercial Vehicles (Director Utilitarian Vehicles), will promote the FIVA at the ceremony for the landing of Normandy in June 2014 .
The FIVA has adopted the Mission of the three ‘P’: Protection ( Prophylaxis ), Promotion ( Promotion ) and Preservation ( Conservation ) . To Promote the responsibility of the Director of our (Director Communication), Belgian Peeter Henning, who presented the new website which will go live very soon. It features several innovations – buttons and links as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.
There were many positive findings by the General Assembly 2013 , while the new President of FIVA Patrick Rollet declaring the end of the Assembly stated its intention to lead a FIVA which in future will be a truly professional organization .
information :
FIVA asbl – c/o Peeter Henning – rue de la Loi 44 – 1040 Bruxelles
info@fiva.org – www.fiva.org
phone : +32 2 280 01 44 – Fax +32 2 280 04 46
SOURCE: www.fiva.org