The Federation Hellenique FILPA- F.H. FILPA is a non-profit Federation representing about 20 Clubs in the area of Antique Cars & Motorcycles, based in Greece.
Our mission (Mission Statement).
Our aim is about the continuous effort to promote, diffuse, disseminate and spread the idea about the necessity for conservation, maintenance and usage of the antique cars and motorcycles and any other type of old automotive machinery on land sea and air. This constant effort from the part of the Federation shall be implemented by coordinating the efforts of the national club members with the aforementioned directions, and by its own individual actions and initiatives.
Official Representative in Greece (ANF) of FIVA (Fédération Internationale des Véhicules Anciens),
Recognized by Ministerial Decision A- ECO . 64079/5984-29/10/2001 Government Gazette No. 1512-9/11/2001. According to the decision, which is valid until today, entitled to issue licence plates for historic vehicles are exclusively the Greek Organizations which are the official representatives of:
a/ the “Fédération Internationale d’ Automobilisme-FIA» and
b/ the “Fédération Internationale des Véhicules Anciens-FIVA» (called for short FIA and FIVA). That is the ELPA (Hellenic Automobile Club) and F.H. FILPA.
The relevant Ministerial Decision alows the issuance of special Historic Vehicles-H.V. licence plates (4-wheel and 2-wheel), as defined by the Greek Organizations – official representatives of the FIA and FIVA under international terms of these two organizations, hence the H.V.’s can circulate on public roads only for participating in formal events and/or for the necessary movements required for maintenance and repair purposes or tests, and as long as these H.V.’s are provided with a certificate of registration and a that a valid insurance is in force.
• Note that :
a) as H.V.’s the Greek Democracy accepts those designated internationally by FIA and FIVA.
b ) Permitted use is:
– Participation in events which have been authorized by the appropriate Ministry and
– The necessary movements required for maintenance and repair purposes or tests
• Which are designated as Historic Vehicles according to FIVA;
Which are older than thirty (30+) years, retain its original features and are well maintained and are cerrtified according to the FIVA Technical Code, issued by the countries official representatives, and have been accepted as eligible for issuance of a Certificate of Identification card (FIVA Authenticity green card).
The F.H. FILPA headquarters are in the PHILPA House,
6, Kyvelis St.
153 44 Gerakas, Attica, Greece
Tel / FAX: +30 210 6529084
Facebook Page:
Directions to the new PHILPA House can be found HERE